Michigan Sea Grant 2018-2023 Site Review
Event details
March 18-20, 2025
All site review activities will take place on the University of Michigan campus in the Dana Building (440 Church St. Ann Arbor, MI)
Agenda at a glance
Tuesday, March 18:
- 8am-noon: Program adminstration and structure
- 1pm-4pm: Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development (ELWD) and Resilient Communities and Economies (RCE) focus area highlights
- 6pm-8pm: Poster session featuring research projects and Extension programs
Wednesday, March 19:
- 8am-11:30am: Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development (ELWD) and Healthy Coastal Ecosystems (HCE) focus area highlights
- 1pm-4pm: Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture (SFA) focus area highlights
Food and lodging
Information about hotels, parking, and directions to the Dana Building are forthcoming.
If you have dietary restrictions, please contact Hali Motley (hmotley@umich.edu)