Early registration is now open for the October Aqua Growers Aquaponics Basic Technology Seminar, a workshop that provides information on how to implement an aquaponics system.
Various topics will be covered and include: status of aquaponics, guidelines for aquaponics, water quality, integrated pest management, Tilapia production, plant production, UVI system design and management, and an overview of construction of an urban aquaponics farm. Several breakout sessions are planned. A tour of the urban aquaponics facility and hands-on participation will also be included.
Aqua Growers, LLC is an urban aquaponics farm and a state-licensed aquaculture facility consisting of raft style grow beds, various style media beds, and various size fish tanks for breeding and raising Tilapia, located within a warehouse in Livonia. The company focuses on local, sustainable, and nutritious food production as well educating the community.
For more information, see PDF Flyer/Registration Form or visit the Facebook Page
What is Aquaponics?
Aquaponics refers to a sustainable food system that combines traditional aquaculture techniques (growing plants or animals like fish for a commercial use) with hydroponics techniques (cultivating plants in water).
Die Wirkung dieser Behandlungsmethode wird durch die Wirkung des magnetischen Wechselfeldes https://ersteapotheke24.com/erektionsstoerungen/potenzmittel-ohne-rezept/ auf das vegetative Regulationszentrum realisiert und durch das Verschwinden der Symptome vegetativer Gefäßstörungen bestätigt.