With Great Lakes water levels below average and some lakes potentially hitting all-time lows in 2013, the number of marinas considering dredging projects in order to stay in business can be expected to increase, and many of them are unfamiliar with the process.
Applying for dredge and fill permits to perform maintenance dredging can be difficult and confusing — especially when considering the many federal and state regulations. Marina owners and operators seeking help can find it during the annual Recreational Boating Education Conference scheduled for Dec. 5-6.
Representatives from the Army Corps of Engineers, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, Michigan Sea Grant and Michigan State University Extension will be available on the first day of the conference for sit down, one-on-one consultations with marina owners and operators to discuss the permitting process, as well as provide feedback for projects being considered at the facility.
Consultations will take place on Dec. 5 only. In order to participate, registration for the conference is required. To learn more, see: Details