The annual Great Lakes Place-Based Conference is scheduled for Thursday through Saturday, Nov. 7-9 in Grand Rapids, Mich. All formal and informal educators are invited to attend.

What: For the third year in a row, educators and others interested in the environment and creating environmental stewards will gather to learn about best practices in place-based education and how to apply them, build relationships with colleagues, and pick up new tools for engaging students in the environment.

Who Should Attend:

  • Formal and non-formal educators of any subject or grade level (K–16).
  • School administrators who want to establish a curriculum and related instructional practices that focus on place, inspire students to learn, and forge strong partnerships with the community.
  • Foundations, organizations, or community leaders interested in K–12 education, environmental stewardship, and youth or community development.
  • Others who want to learn more about place-based education, environmental stewardship, and service learning.

Cost: Fees vary from $70 to $160 depending on your level of participation.

For more information on the conference, see: Details

To register, see: Registration Form