A Trawl Design Training Workshop is scheduled for December 4-5, 2013 at the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The workshop is being sponsored by the Great Lakes Sea Grant Network, U.S. Geological Survey, Memorial University, and the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory.

The workshop will be a follow-up workshop from the highly successful Trawl Design Workshop organized by New York Sea Grant. The workshop is developed for fisheries assessment staff from the Upper Great Lakes and will focus on fundamentals of trawl performance, fish behavior, and fish catchability. The workshop will feature trawl simulations of a generic Yankee type trawl design using the Lake Ontario model developed from the previous workshop. The December workshop will expand on the topics of comparability of Great Lake’s trawling programs, factors influencing trawl performance, fish catchability and designing studies to measure fish catchability and comparative gear efficiency.

See: Details

Contact: Ron Kinnunen at (906) 226-3687 or kinnune1@msu.edu