On December 6-7, come visit the Michigan Clean Marina Program at the 2017 Recreational Boating Educational Conference (RBEC) in Lansing! RBEC is produced annually by the Michigan Boating Industries Association, bringing in nationally renowned speakers with expertise and information specific to the marine industry. It’s an opportunity for marine business people to come together for education, networking, and fun. 

The 2017 conference, “Raising the Bar,” will feature a customer service training track by the renowned Disney Institute. Other sessions will cover OSHA inspections, small business fraud, electric shock awareness, and more. 

Michigan Sea Grant’s Mark Breederland and Erin De Vries will present “Promoting and Improving Michigan Clean Marinas in 2018 and Beyond.” Come join us for discussions about Clean Marinas and sustainable boating as we prepare for the 2018 boating season!

Learn more about RBEC.

Conference location:

Radisson Hotel at the Capitol
111 N. Grand Avenue
Lansing, MI 48933


Radisson reservations: (800) 333-3333
Hotel direct line: (517) 482-0188
Online: www.Radisson.com/lansingmi
Promo code: RBEC17 (NOTE: Deadline for hotel reservations passed on November 21. Call to check availability)