For Marinas
The Michigan Boating Pumpout Grant Program helps reduce pollution from vessel sewage discharges by encouraging safe disposal of recreational boater sewage. Public and private marinas that are open to the public can apply for grant funding to secure new pumpout and dump stations or upgrade their existing facilities. Facilities can also use grant funds to construct or renovate pumpouts and dump stations and to implement associated education programs. A maximum of a $5.00 fee may be charged for use of pumpout facilities constructed, operated, or maintained with grant funds.
Grants are provided to both private and public boating facilities that are open to the public. Eligible projects primarily include dump stations, additional pumpouts at large boating facilities, pumpouts for mooring facilities with a minimum of 15 slips, and upgrading of older pumpout systems.
Check back in 2025.
Applications closed.
To ensure reimbursement after completion of projects, all grantees will be required to submit a Pumpout Grant Program Payment Request Form along with invoice(s) and proof of payment for any expenses incurred. See the Handbook for more details. In addition, we ask that grantees submit photos and a brief description of their project.
Individual awards vary based on project scope.
Marinas can use grants to fund up to 75% of eligible project costs; the marina must provide the remaining 25% match. Grants are limited to the cost of a pumpout and holding tank, maintenance, minor installation costs, such as plumbing and electrical, and for public outreach and education programs.
Approval of applications is based on the type of marine sewage disposal facility proposed, geographic location, number of boats served, and cost. Notification of approval will occur twice annually after the complete application form, grant agreement, pictures, and quotes are received and forwarded to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for approval.
Public and private marinas have the opportunity to secure new pumpout and dump stations or upgrade their existing facilities thanks to the Michigan Boating Pumpout Grant Program, a federally subsidized, grant-in-aid program. The act authorized the USFWS to make grants to states to construct/renovate pumpouts and dump stations and for implementing associated education programs. This handbook has additional information for the application process.