More intense storms, fluctuating lake levels and shifts in average temperatures are all indications of climate variability — and are increasingly frequent. While our knowledge of natural systems and climate trends is improving over time, we will continue to be challenged by the uncertainty of nature. The Helping Marina and Harbor Operators Respond to Climate Change project serves to assist marina and harbor operators in sector-specific problem identification, decision making, and planning related to climate change adaptation.
A webinar and conference session supported by the Helping Marina and Harbor Operators Respond to Climate Change project, funded by the Great Lakes Integrated Sciences and Assessments center.
Webinar Presentations
A webinar, held November 17, 2014, provided an overview of best practices for marinas and harbors to increase resilience to changing environmental conditions, an overview of climate trends and an update on 2014-2014 Great Lakes levels. See below for electronic documents of each presentation:
- Climate Trends – Dan Brown, Great Lakes Integrated Sciences and Assessments
- Lows, Runoff and Rebound in 2013/14: Great Lakes Levels Update – Mark Breederland, Michigan Sea Grant
- Best Practices to Increase Resilience to Changing Environmental Conditions (infrastructure, dredging, planning) – Amy Samples, Michigan Sea Grant
Our recording of the webinar is not available at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Recreational Boating Educational Conference Presentations
A session, held December 11, 2014 at the Recreational Boating Educational Conference in Lansing, Michigan, provided an introduction to the Clean Marina program, overview of climate trends and 2014-2014 Great Lakes levels, and an overview of best practices for marinas and harbors to increase resilience to changing environmental conditions, including recommendations for infrastructure, dredging and planning and financing. Additionally, interactive tools and stormwater management at the waterfront were introduced. See below for electronic documents of each presentation:
- Michigan Clean Marina Program Introduction – Elizabeth LaPorte, Michigan Sea Grant
- Climate Trends – Dan Brown, Great Lakes Integrated Sciences and Assessments
- Lows, Runoff and Rebound in 2013/14: Great Lakes Levels Update – Mark Breederland, Michigan Sea Grant
- Facing an Uncertain Future: Increasing Resilience at Marinas and Harbors – Amy Samples, Michigan Sea Grant
- Tools Showcase: Great Lakes Water Level Dashboard and Lake Level Viewer – Anne Clites, NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory
- Stormwater Management at Your Facility – Dave Drullinger, Michigan Department of Environmental Quality
The Helping Marina and Harbor Operators Respond to Climate Change project aimed to assist marina and harbor operators in finding those resources and tools, specifically to address problem identification, decision making and planning related to climate change adaptation.
For a project summary, best practices tip sheets on infrastructure, dredging and planning and financing, see the project webpage: Increasing Resilience at Harbors and Marinas.
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