Coastal Resilience Resource Hub

Find guides, tools, data, and help

Along Michigan’s 3,000 miles of shoreline, communities and coastal managers face increasingly complex coastal dynamics, in part driven by climate change impacts. Many resources of all types are available, but information overload and disorganization as well as limited local capacity make it difficult for communities to access and utilize information to make effective choices. 

The Michigan Coastal Resilience Resource Hub aims to help alleviate this problem by spotlighting Michigan-relevant best available resources and contacts in six main areas: 

The Hub is connected to Michigan Sea Grant, which has Extension educators serving all coastal communities who can be a human resource to assist with resilience needs and provide guidance

Michigan Sea Grant’s Extension educators can be a first point of contact that can assist you with this Hub and guide you to experts such as consulting firms, government agencies, regional planning personnel, and nonprofits. Visit our Get In Touch page to find an Extension educator.

While this Hub is primarily focused on Michigan’s coastal resilience, many of the resources available are applicable to other regions in the Great Lakes. We are expanding the Hub to have other state-specific resources across the Basin.

Have questions or thoughts about the Resource Hub? Email us: