General Resources
Though we identified five main categories of supporting pillars for coastal resilience measures, many resources span multiple categories. The resources below are excellent resources that can cover a wide range of coastal resilience topics. See a resource we’re missing? Email us:
Great Lakes Coastal Resilience Planning Guide
Interactive dashboard to review “case studies that explore how local planners and practitioners are using data, tools, methods, and policies to help make their communities more resilient.”
Resilient Michigan – Michigan-specific!
Developed by the Land Information Access Association (LIAA), a nonprofit community service and planning organization headquartered in Traverse City, Michigan. The mission of the Planning for Resilient Communities project is to foster and support community‐wide planning efforts that promote community resilience in the face of rapid economic changes and increasing climate variability.
MEDC Redevelopment Ready Community Resiliency Guide Michigan-specific!
As part of the Michigan Economic Development Corporation’s Redevelopment Ready Communities program, the toolkit walks communities through assessing their resilience in four categories: Place, People, Infrastructure, and Economy.
Adaptation Strategies Matrix (Alternate Link)
The Cape Cod Commission formulated this “matrix of adaptation strategies that organizes information on the spectrum of resiliency strategies available to protect an area from coastal hazards, including physical characteristics; benefits and limitations; where they may be used; and cost of implementation and maintenance.” Showcases strategies and applicable case studies referencing the ways varying areas worked to address coastal hazards.
Obtawaing Biosphere Region Coastal Resilience Project Mapper (Additional Link)
A mapping system developed by the Great Lakes Commission displaying Coastal Resilience projects in the Obtawaing Biosphere Region.
Using Economics to Inform Decisions
This self-guided module provides information about benefit-cost analysis, economic impact analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, and more. Understanding these basics will help you identify the appropriate approach and the data needed.
Michigan Coastal Management Program – Michigan-specific!
The Michigan Coastal Management Program (MCMP) is committed to providing substantial technical assistance and strategic grant funding to assist in coastal communities’ ability to understand risks and options to mitigate coastal hazards; create healthy habitats that provide for human use and enjoyment; support coastal ecotourism opportunities while ensuring for safe public access; and support resilient and sustainable coastal economies.
University of Michigan Coastal Resilience Research Project
Research report on challenges communities face when implementing coastal resilience. Also contains lists of available resources and funding for the Great Lakes (updated 2022).
Restore Your Coast
High‐level, introductory educational information for community members on how to develop a coastal restoration project from concept to proposal. Divided into five topic areas (Flooding, Coastal Erosion, Water Quality, Invasive Species, and Wildlife Habitats), the Toolkit includes project examples, tools and resources, contacts, funding sources, and permitting information. Commissioned by the NOAA Fisheries Office of Habitat Conservation/Restoration Center.
Using Climate Information in Local Planning: A Guide for Communities in the Great Lakes
OUsing Climate Information in Local Planning: A Guide for Communities in the Great Lakes outlines how community planners in the Great Lakes can use available data resources, existing science, and current policies and programs to adapt to climate change and its impacts.
Resources Made by Ecoadapt
A non-profit organization that is committed to making climate change adaptation happen through innovative adaptation solutions. Ecoadapt conducts original research, co-creates resources and tools, provides expert support, and offers trainings to build adaptation capacity–all while designing adaptation actions to address specific climate change challenges.
Sustainable Small Harbors Tools and Tactics Guidebook Michigan-Specific!
The guidebook empowers communities to conduct their own self-assessments and develop a plan for long-term environmental, economic, and social sustainability of their harbor. Each element in the Guidebook’s suggested process can be tailored to fit the community’s unique strengths and needs.
Great Lakes Regional Green Infrastructure Policy Analysis: Addressing Barriers To Implementation
The Great Lakes Commission Green Infrastructure Champions Program fosters the adoption of green infrastructure in communities across the binational Great Lakes region by creating a peer-to-peer mentorship network that accelerates knowledge transfer between pioneering and emerging green infrastructure champions.
Resilient Coastal Communities – Michigan-specific!
Educational materials about soft engineering, habitat protection, and restoration provide community leaders with information to develop and implement solutions that recognize the close ties between a healthy ecosystem and a vital economy.