Communication and Education

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NOAA Digital Coast’s Risk Communication Skills Resources
These Digital Coast products help community leaders increase their risk communication skills and their ability to engage the community. When it comes to storm preparation and other community planning exercises, resident participation is important. 

Center for Great Lakes Literacy
CGLL fosters informed and responsible decisions that advance basin-wide stewardship by providing hands-on experiences, educational resources, and networking opportunities promoting Great Lakes literacy among an engaged community of educators, scientists, and youth. CGLL is a collaborative effort led by Great Lakes Sea Grant educators.

Framing the Coastal Resilience Message (video) Michigan-Specific!  Michigan shape indicating "Michigan Specific"
A Michigan Association of Planning webinar about communication strategies that can inspire interest, encourage action, and hold up through vigorous inquiry when implementing coastal resilience.

Michigan Sea Grant Great Lakes Education Resources Michigan-Specific!  Michigan shape indicating "Michigan Specific"
MISG-approved education resources.

Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) Education Resources
Repository of infographics, fact sheets, a blog, education program resources, and more from GLERL, a hub for Great Lakes research.

No Adverse Impact How-to Guide for Education and Outreach
This how-to guide by the Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM) breaks down by subject matter from the No Adverse Impact (NAI) Toolkit into compact, usable information communities can apply.

ASFPM K-12 Education Resources
Assorted educational resources for school-age children by grade level. Developed by the Association of State Floodplain Managers.

Great Lakes Beach Hazards: Developing a Risk Communication Strategy for Dangerous Waves and Currents
This report was designed to identify how beachgoers perceive the risk of dangerous currents and waves in the Great Lakes; evaluate existing messages and delivery mechanisms (such as National Weather Service Surf Zone Forecasts); translate complex beach conditions into understandable, actionable messages for specific beachgoer audiences; and identify effective delivery mechanisms for specific audiences.

Local Government Guide to Coastal Resilience: Risk Communication
This resource, developed by the National Association of Counties, reviews the importance of communicating risk and guiding principles when developing, tailoring, and communicating your message.

NOAA’s Education Resource Collections
Aggregated from across NOAA and NOAA’s partners, these materials cover a wide range of science topics and are organized by themes, collections, and content types. Many resources include a toolkit of materials and activities suitable for integration into a variety of educational settings.

Communicating severe weather risk to the urban economically disadvantaged
Short two-pager on best methods of reaching urban residents. Developed by Wisconsin Sea Grant.