
Protecting a community’s shoreline often starts with strong policies, typically zoning ordinances, that determine what development is allowed near the shoreline and what forms of protection are permitted. See a resource we’re missing? Email us: coastalresourcehub@umich.edu

Michigan Shoreline Ordinance Guide  Michigan-Specific!  Michigan shape indicating "Michigan Specific"
Example ordinances with accompanying policy considerations assist coastal municipalities in developing policies that protect shorelines from the impacts of hardened armoring, while also protecting resident assets from the effects of shoreline erosion, lake level fluctuations, and flooding. Developed by the University of Michigan Law School’s Sustainability Law Clinic.

Resilient Michigan Regulation Library  Michigan-Specific!  Michigan shape indicating "Michigan Specific"
Steps for developing regulations, key measures for regulations, and example ordinances from Michigan jurisdictions.

Using Economics to Inform Decisions
This self-guided module provides information about benefit-cost analysis, economic impact analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, and more. Understanding these basics will help you identify the appropriate approach and the data needed.

New York Department of State Model Local Laws to Increase Resilience
Model laws to assist communities in being more resilient to sea-level rise, storm surge, and flooding. As Michigan laws will be different, this is meant as a reference for Michigan municipalities when working with their municipal attorney.

No Adverse Impact Legal Guide for Flood Risk Management
The Association of State Floodplain Managers No Adverse Impact (NAI) Legal Guide provides legal resources to inform the decisions of community representatives and municipal attorneys who design, implement, and defend NAI programs.

Tackling Barriers to Green Infrastructure: An Audit of Municipal Codes and Ordinances
This workbook will help communities review, revise, and prioritize their local codes and ordinances to promote and advance green infrastructure implementation. Developed by Wisconsin Sea Grant.    

Great Lakes Green Infrastructure Champions Program
The Great Lakes Commission Green Infrastructure Champions Program fosters the adoption of green infrastructure in communities across the binational Great Lakes region by creating a peer-to-peer mentorship network that accelerates knowledge transfer between pioneering and emerging green infrastructure champions.

Michigan State University Extension Citizen Planner Program  Michigan-Specific!  Michigan shape indicating "Michigan Specific"
Land use education and training for locally appointed and elected planning officials in Michigan. The in-person or online self-paced courses cover fundamental roles, responsibilities, and best practices for planning and zoning. Coastal Planning module is in development.