Printed Guidebook
We are offering a printed hard copy of the Phase 2 Guidebook for a limited time only. If you are interested in receiving a copy, please fill out our request form. Estimated delivery is Spring 2024.
The Sustainable Small Harbors Tools and Tactics Guidebook empowers communities to conduct their own self-assessments and develop a plan for long-term environmental, economic, and social sustainability. Each element in the Guidebook’s suggested process can be tailored to fit the community’s unique strengths and needs:
- Community Inventory: Get to know the community through census data, planning documents, aerial photos, and other sources of information.
- Waterfront Inventory: Get to know the community’s waterfront assets through marina statistics, federal dredging records, and other sources of information.
- Visioning/Planning: Bring the community together to discuss strengths, weaknesses, and visions for the future.
- Value Capture: Understand the flow of funding through the community and potential ways to leverage waterfront assets to generate more economic activity.
- Implementation: Identify people and actions that can propel the plan forward.
2023 Guidebook
- Sustainable Small Harbors Tools and Tactics Guidebook (1-19-24 PDF)
- Michigan Sustainable Small Harbors Strategic Flowchart Poster (PDF)
- Michigan Grant and Loan Funding Opportunities (PDF)
- Sample 5-year plan, South Haven, Michigan (PDF)
- Charrette process graphic (PDF)
- Visitor attractions graphic (PDF)
Original Guidebook with Case Studies
- Sustainable Small Harbors Tools and Tactics Guidebook (PDF)
Note: Links in Phase 1 may not work. The Phase 2 Guidebook has been updated and tested as of 10/1/23.