Registration is now open for the 2020 Ludington Regional Fishery Workshop. The workshop will include presentations from biologists, educators, and fishery managers with Michigan DNR, NOAA/GLERL, MSU and Michigan Sea Grant. Topics will include salmon and trout diets, the impact of quagga mussels on Lake Michigan, and water level expectations for 2020 in addition to updates on stocking levels and other fishery management issues.
This year’s workshop will focus on a new project that seeks to update the Predator-Prey Ratio for Lake Michigan by including the most recent data available on fish diets, lake trout population dynamics, and the influx of Chinook salmon from Lake Huron. This project will use structured decision making (SDM) to address all salmon and trout species and include a stakeholder process. The Ludington workshop will be a great opportunity to learn more about the process and how your organization can take an active role.
There will also be an opportunity to address frequently asked questions on alewife abundance, monitoring, and modelling. If you have detailed questions, please e-mail them to before the workshop. After the workshop, written questions and responses will be used as the basis for an FAQ document on the MSU Extension website.
Registration costs $30 and includes lunch.
To register by phone, contact Cara at (231) 843-5825. Payment can be made the day of the event, reservations are required.
Deadline to register is Monday, January 27, 2020.
Contact: Cara at (231) 843-5825 or via email at