Rochelle Sturtevant



Dr. Rochelle Sturtevant serves as program manager for NOAA’s Great Lakes Aquatic Nonindigenous Species Information System (GLANSIS). This searchable database provides species profiles, threat assessments, and maps designed to improve stakeholder education and inform prevention, management, and control of aquatic nonindigenous species (ANS) (also called aquatic invasive species, or AIS). Rochelle’s position allows her to work collaboratively with Michigan Sea Grant, Michigan State University Extension, and the NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) to understand and combat Great Lakes invaders.

  • Aquatic invasive species
  • Ecosystem management
  • Database management
  • Ph.D. in Systems Ecology, Kent State University
Professional experience
  • Great Lakes Sea Grant Network Research Representative to the Great Lakes Panel on Aquatic Nuisance Species
  • Great Waters Research Collaborative Advisory Committee
  • International Association for Great Lakes Research, Outreach Committee
  • R. A. Sturtevant, D. M. Mason, E. S. Rutherford, A. Elgin, E. Lower, F. Martinez. Recent history of nonindigenous species in the Laurentian Great Lakes; An update to Mills et al., 1993 (25 years later)
  • Sturtevant, R. 2017 (in review) AIS Indicators Chapter in SOLEC Indicators Report.
  • Davidson, AD., AJ Fusaro, RA Sturtevant and DR Kashian. Development of a risk assessment framewok to predict invasive species establishment for multiple taxonomic groups and vectors of introduction.  Management of Biological Invasions 9.
  • Fusaro, A. Emily Baker, Whitney Conard, Alisha Davidson, Kyle Dettloff, Jane Li, Gabriela Núñez, Rochelle Sturtevant, Ed Rutherford. A Risk Assessment of Potential Great Lakes Aquatic Invaders.  NOAA TM-169.
  • Sturtevant, R. A., Berent, L., Conard, W., Makled, T., Fusaro, A., & Rutherford, E. 2016. An overview of the management of established nonindigenous species in the Great Lakes. (NOAA TM-168), (pp. 1-273): NOAA. Available from:
  • Sturtevant, R., J. Larson, L. Berent, M. McCarthy, A. Bogdanoff, A. Fusaro, and E. Rutherford. An Impact Assessment of Great Lakes Aquatic Nonindigenous Species.  NOAA TM-161.
  • Marshall, A. LaPorte, S. Rutherford and R. Sturtevant. 2013. In a Data Dilemma? A series of datasets and inquiry tools that furthers Great Lakes literacy. The Earth Scientist Vol XXIX Issue 3.
  • Serveiss, V., A. Arvai, and R. Sturtevant. Section 4.1 Aquatic Invasive Species in “Sixteenth Biennial Report on Great Lakes Water Quality: Assessment of Progress Made Towards Restoring and Maintaining Great Lakes Water Quality 1987-2012.”
  • Sturtevant, RA and A Marshall. Educator House Call: On-line Data for Educators’ Needs Assessment – Summary Report. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-149.
  • Joseph, et al. Impact of Climate Change on the Great Lakes Ecosystem: A NOAA Science Needs Assessment Workshop to Meet Emerging Challenges – Summary Report. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-147.
  • Sturtevant, R et al. 2007. Chapter 3: Great Lakes: Recent History of Saltwater Vessel Traffic, Delivery of Ballast Water, and the Effect of Ballast Water Exchange on Aquatic Species Invasion. In Report to Congress on the Efficacy of Ballast Water Exchange. NOAA (In Review).
  • Cangelosi, R. et. 2006. The Response of Zooplankton and Phytoplankton from the North American Great Lakes to Filtration as a Possible Method to Prevent Ship-Mediated Bioinvaders. Harmful Algae. (In Press)
  • Sturtevant, R. 2004. Great Lakes Ecological Forecasting Needs Assessment. NOAA Technical Report TM-131. 60pp.
Rochelle Sturtevant

Rochelle Sturtevant

AIS Outreach and GLANSIS Program Manager

Pronouns: she/her

(734) 741-2287

Michigan Sea Grant Extension
NOAA – Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab
4840 South State Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48108

Read more about Rochelle’s work in her article series.