The Dangerous Side of Currents – Learning about Great Lakes Currents
In a darkened room full of natural resource professionals, pictures of splendid summer scenes were used to start off presentations. The pictures showed people playing at the beach, swimmers’ heads bobbing delightfully in shimmery blue-green waters — a spectrum of summer enjoyment along a Great Lakes beach.
Then came images of rescue personnel and floating lifesaving rings. Diagrams and data that showed currents hiding beneath seemingly normal swimming conditions: low waves and relative calm. Graphs showed the numbers of rescues each year in the Great Lakes — and deaths due to drownings. Several people relayed tales of near misses after getting caught in a current, including the panic, the struggling and finally the resignation.
It was a parallel to what can happen at the beach: things start off lovely — the sun is shining, fun is being had — and for most people the day at the beach is just that. But for some, it can quickly change.
Learning Currents
Thus began a series of three workshops about dangerous currents in the Great Lakes. Michigan Sea Grant organized the events as part of an outreach project on dangerous current awareness in the region. The objective was to provide information to natural resource, state and national park personnel and first responders — people who could potentially reach and teach many others about the dangers of Great Lakes currents. The workshops were held near Muskegon, Traverse City and St. Ignace, coastal areas that have all been scenes of dangerous current rescues and drownings.
“When we started doing this many years ago, it was like a new frontier,” said Ron Kinnunen, Upper Peninsula extension educator for Michigan Sea Grant. “Some people denied that these currents existed in the Great Lakes — some still deny it — but we have come so far in our understanding of these things. That’s what today is all about.”
Data collection, research on currents including where and when they form, survival stories, statistics and what is being done to reach out to the public and beachgoers were all part of the information presented during each of the workshops.
Dave Benjamin, a Great Lakes surfer, spoke about the time he didn’t think he was going to make it out of the water. It was the day after Christmas 2010. He was surfing on Lake Michigan with some friends when he got into trouble. The leash to his surfboard was severed, and he was out in the water, getting hit by wave after wave and being dragged by a current back to open water. Water had breached his wetsuit. He was losing energy.
“I have been swimming in Lake Michigan all of my life,” said Benjamin. “All of that experience went out the window when panic set in. I came to a point where I was writing myself off. I came to the resolution that I’m not going home today.”
While Benjamin’s story may not resonate at first — he was surfing in December, after all — it has all of the elements of a summer drowning, including exhaustion and panic after getting caught up in the current. He was reviewing his life, he said, when an article about drowning came back to him. It was then he did what saved his life: nothing. He stopped struggling against the current, flipped over and began to float on his back, which gave him time to catch his breath and think. He was eventually able to make it back to shore, alternatingly resting and swimming.
Dissecting the Patterns
Keith Cooley with the National Weather Service presented findings from an analysis of channel currents along the Lake Superior shoreline at Picnic Rocks in Marquette, where 15 people have drowned as a result of currents since 1963. Channel currents in this area move parallel to the shore and are caused by the squeezing of water between the shore and an island, in this case Picnic Rocks. Some of the results, thus far, indicate that channel currents occur when the winds are blowing from the north, northwest and south. Waves with a northerly or southerly component tend to cause hazardous current speeds, especially when wave heights are two to five (or 2-5) feet.
Guy Meadows, a researcher and leader of the Michigan Technological University Water Institute, also presented data that provides insight into dangerous Great Lakes currents. Meadows has been collecting what is referred to as “perishable data” for many years — data that can only be captured shortly before, during or after a weather event, before it disappears. To do this, he has developed his own instruments to track different data points such as wave velocity, current strength and direction, and partners this information with data collected from buoys and weather stations. The main goal of the research is to get accurate data on which conditions produce dangerous currents in the swim zone close to shore.
He talked about two different current situations: chronic and acute.
The chronic currents are those that tend to show up repeatedly in the same areas. Meadows showed aerial shots of popular beaches from around the state that have known dangerous current activity. He used satellite images of the beaches from the last 10 years or so, mapping out where rip channels — areas where dangerous currents often develop — appear near the shore, in swim areas .
Meadows also demonstrated that there are areas where currents develop and fade quickly or move around the nearshore in a less predictable manner. The data Meadows and his team have been collecting may be able to provide insights into the factors that determine where and how currents develop on the Great Lakes, and how to manage swim areas to minimize risk.
He said the results so far are interesting and could be used on a basic level, but more research must be completed for waterfront managers to be able to use the information to make decisions and set policy.
The Michigan Coastal Zone Management Program – Michigan Department of Environmental Quality provided financial assistance for these workshops through a grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and U.S. Department of Commerce. The Michigan Coastal Zone Management Program partners with local governments, non-profit organizations and universities to promote wise management and prudent use of cultural and natural resources within our coastal boundary.
To stay safe, be sure to check the National Weather Service forecast before going to the beach, and visit for more information on how to keep your summer a safe one.
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Also call out:
- Great Lakes Species Website
- Fish Habitat
- Fisheries Lessons
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