Michigan Sea Grant’s popular Summer Discovery Cruises program returned in 2024 for its second season since being halted by the pandemic. The program is led by MISG Extension Educator Angela Scapini in partnership with Erin Parker of the Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority. In 2023, the program had a limited season, completing 13 cruises over 6 days with 152 participants. This summer, the season was expanded to 22 cruises across nearly 3 weeks in July. Cruise offerings were increased by 59%, and participation grew by nearly 300%, with a total of 441 participants joining educational cruises focused on themes like fisheries, local history, and Great Lakes restoration.
Of the 79 participants who completed a post-cruise evaluation, 100% reported the program met or exceeded their expectations. 17 of the respondents had never been on a boat before this program. Additionally, 97% of respondents indicated their knowledge of the Great Lakes and Lake St. Clair increased as a result of enjoying the cruise. In addition, about 70% cited actions they were willing to take to protect the Great Lakes including, for example, conserving water, planting native plants, using less fertilizer, and being careful not to dump waste into the lake.
Thanks to everyone who joined this year’s Summer Discovery Cruise season! We look forward to sailing with you again soon.