Publication Guidelines

Preparing articles, presentations, and posters

When preparing presentations, posters, or outreach materials related to Sea Grant-funded projects, please follow these guidelines:

  • Include the following acknowledgement text: “This publication, poster, or presentation is a result of work sponsored by Michigan Sea Grant College Program, (include project number), under: (include Federal grant number) from National Sea Grant, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce, with funds from the State of Michigan.”
  • Federal grant numbers are listed in the right hand column. Project numbers can be found under “Past Projects” or in your grant contract (e.g., R/CCD-10).
  • Please use the Michigan Sea Grant logo on research posters and in electronic presentations. An electronic copy is available, see: Logo

Submitting publications to Michigan Sea Grant

Tracking and promoting publications is critical to our program. As a requirement of funding, Principal Investigators must submit all published articles related to Sea Grant-supported projects, regardless of the publication date. Michigan Sea Grant is required to send copies of these publications to the National Sea Grant Library.

Please forward all research, education, and outreach publications regardless of the publication date. CD, DVDs, or hard copies can be mailed to the address below, or send electronic documents (PDF or link to URL) to Michigan Sea Grant at

To enter your publication information into the Michigan Sea Grant database, please click on the button in the upper right. All publications will be reviewed before forwarding to the National Sea Grant Library.

Research articles, journal reprints, and presentations

Michigan Sea Grant is required to send the federal government copies of all articles published by our supported researchers. These publications are a critical part of ensuring the continued funding of our research program.

Michigan Sea Grant will fund a portion of reprint charges of articles published in peer-reviewed journals, provided that all of the following requirements have been met:

  • Include the Federal Grant Number
  • Include the following acknowledgement: “Supported by Michigan Sea Grant College Program, project number: (include number), under Federal grant number: (include number) from National Sea Grant, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce, and the State of Michigan.”
  • Send electronic files via email to:
  • Send print article copies (6 total) to:
    Michigan Sea Grant, University of Michigan
    Attn: Journal Articles
    400 North Ingalls, Suite G241
    Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Note: The U.S. Government is authorized to produce and distribute reprints for governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation appearing hereon. If you use another source of funding for reprints of an article based on Sea Grant-supported research, include the acknowledgement above in the article and provide six copies (or if available, a PDF file) to Michigan Sea Grant.


Brandon Uckele
Program Manager, Fiscal Officer
(734) 647-9730

Lauren Mullenbach
Research Program Manager
(734) 647-8255

Federal Grant Numbers

2022-2023: NA22OAR4170084

2024-2027: NA24OARX417C0157-T1

2018 – 2021: NA18OAR4170102

2014 – 2018: NA14OAR4170070

2010 – 2014: NA10OAR4170071

2005 – 2009: NA05OAR4171045

2001 – 2005: NA16RG1145

2001 – 2003: NA16RG2194

Note: The U.S. Government is authorized to produce and distribute reprints for governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation appearing hereon.