Staff Resources
Here you will find the resources to help ensure that MISG publication and project standards are consistently upheld. In order to operate cohesively, we ask that you keep us informed of the projects and events that you’re working on. These tools are designed to make life a little easier for all of us – including a simplified project and event request form, a style guide, templates, etc. Please let us know if you have any questions.
— The Communications Team
Sponsorship Request Form
Would you like the Management Team to consider having MISG sponsor an event? Please submit the details through this Sponsorship Request Form to start the process.
Publication Guidelines
Best practices for program marketing and communications include using our standard templates:
- Use the MISG logo and URL and if room, the NOAA, MSU and U-M logos
- Use the Partnership Statement (Boilerplate). This acknowledges both universities and NOAA. The National Sea Grant office encourages us to use this statement consistently on each publication.
See: Templates
Michigan Sea Grant Guidelines: All publications have to be proofread before being published and distributed (e.g., posting to web, sending news release, printing, mailing, etc.). Per management team, our boilerplate statement, university and government funding acknowledgement, and publication number must be included on each publication produced by Michigan Sea Grant. Please use the MISG Style Guide for editorial standards when creating a publication for public outreach.
National Sea Grant Guidelines: If it doesn’t have a MICHU number, it will not be accepted into the National Sea Grant Library. If it is not accepted into the National Library, we will not be able to count it during our annual reporting. Bottom line: A MICHU number is critical.
NOAA Guidelines: All researchers need to provide notice of peer-reviewed publications in advance of publication/distribution.
Marketing and Distribution
The Communications Team will not only help you develop your project, but we will also help strategize about the best way to get your end product (e.g., news release, event announcement, report, etc.) out to the right audience. The Communications Team will work with you to develop a plan that may include the following:
- Development
- Distribution
- Promotion (including news and social media outreach, email or direct marketing, and event handouts)
- Product evaluation
- Event follow up
- Printing/reprinting
- Special outreach