A river floods with fallen trees in the foregroundAmid extreme and frequent weather events and risks to coastal economies, families, and communities, the need to address related challenges is critical. In response to this need, Congress appropriated funding to NOAA Sea Grant with the goal of strengthening resilience across coastal and Great Lakes communities. NOAA Sea Grant allocated $125,000 to each of the 34 Sea Grant programs in 2024, for a total of $4.25 million, to further build upon and extend coastal resilience work with communities. The funding is being used to enhance engagement, technical assistance, education and research investments to address climate and weather impacts in local communities. These investments will be instrumental in achieving more resilient communities and economies across the nation.

Michigan Sea Grant is using the funds to support decision-makers with a suite of coastal resilience resources, including an online resource hub that contains case studies, video and written overviews of planning tools, technical guidance on climate resilience policies, and links to funding sources.  

Read the full summary of projects from National Sea Grant.