What does it take to make 10 pounds of salmon?

What does it take to make 10 pounds of salmon?

The new edition of “The Life of the Lakes” from Michigan Sea Grant explores how much food Great Lakes gamefish really need. By Daniel O’Keefe In order to produce gamefish like trout and salmon, a lake must be able to produce the food source for these...
Invasive Phragmites Australis: Learning the basics

Invasive Phragmites Australis: Learning the basics

Find out more about this invader and how it spreads. By Meaghan Gass National Invasive Species Awareness Week is Feb. 25-March 3, 2019. The goal is to draw attention to invasive species and what individuals can do to stop the spread and introduction of them. This...
Alien language: Stages of invasion

Alien language: Stages of invasion

Part 2: Not every organism that is introduced is an equal risk for becoming invasive. By Rochelle Sturtevant, Michigan Sea Grant, Michigan State University Extension; and El Lower, Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research (CIGLR) National Invasive Species...
Public comments sought for MISG site review

Public comments sought for MISG site review

Michigan Sea Grant will be reviewed on April 2-4, 2019, by a team convened by the National Sea Grant College Program. This review process occurs every four years and will address the program’s performance in 2014-2017. The review will be conducted at the University of...