How to Use this Website
Our hope is that teachers will be able to use these resources in a way that works best for them. Lessons and data sets are organized into modules. The lessons found in each module are related to the same core concepts; however, each lesson stands on its own and can be explored in any order.
Each lesson consists of a summary, learning objectives and a background that provides a detailed overview of the subject being explored. At the end of most lessons is a link to the applicable activity or activities that help demonstrate and apply the concepts presented within the lesson.
Data sets include background as well as the actual data collected around the Great Lakes. The background sections often offer suggestions on how to use the data and can be used as a launching point to design your own data-centered projects and analyses.
The Teacher Tools section contains a glossary of key terms, tip sheets and resources focused on guided inquiry.
Data sets and lessons will be added to the online classroom on a rolling basis. If you have suggestions on potential lessons to explore, please contact Michigan Sea Grant at
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