All Lessons
These ready-to-use STEM lessons and activities make it easier for students to learn about the Great Lakes. All lessons have been aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards as of January 2015.
- Dangerous Currents 101 (grades 9-12)
- Dangerous Currents: Don’t Get Swept Away (grades 9-12)
- Dead Zones (grades 5-7)
- Environmental Decision Making (grades 4-8)
- Exploring Watersheds (grades 4-8)
- Fish Habitat and Humans (grades 4-8)
- Fish Identification (grades 4-8)
- Fish Life Cycle (grades 4-8)
- Food Chains and Webs (grades 4-8)
- Food Web II (grades 4-8)
- Great Lakes Careers (grades 4-8)
- Habitat Restoration (grades 4-7)
- Healthy Beaches, Healthy Lakes (grades 5-7)
- Invasive Species (grades 4-8)
- Lake Effect Snow (grades 5-7)
- Microclimates (grades 5-7)
- Dissolved Oxygen and Lake Stratification (grades 5-7)
- Predicting Smelt Runs (grades 5-7)
- Properties of Water (grades 5-7)
- Restoring Marshes (grades 5-7)
- Sea Lamprey (grades 4-8)
- Searching For Steelhead (grades 5-7)
- Surges and Seiches (grades 5-7)
- Survival Game (grades 4-8)
- Water Quality (grades 4-8)
- Water Quantity (grades 4-8)
- Wetlands (grades 4-8)